Running improves your brain health

The Runners high! That ‘feel good’ feeling after you've been for a run.

Some say its a myth, others rely on the runners high feeling to keep them coming back for more.

Most runners will agree that running helps boost their mental health. Running gives us mental space as much as physical space. That mental space from the busyness of our daily lives is essential for good health.

Too many people are too stressed in this modern world. Locked inside the restrictive patterns of their own mind. Running is a great remedy to modern living.

In this episode I'm going to explore the science behind running and what it does for our brains.

The evidence is strong! Running does wonders for our brain!

Let's have a look how and why...


Running is a great way to stay fit, relieve stress and boost your health. New research suggests that it can have a big impact on your brain, too.

Studies show that if you are a regular runner you will be doing lots of good for your brain. Running can increase the release of a neurotransmitter called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).

BDNF is a small protein found in the brain and peripheral tissues throughout the body.

Running is one of the best forms of exercise to promote the growth of new brain cells and connections. Regular running releases BDNF. A regular release of this neurotransmitter will be giving you positive brain effects. This will improve learning, memory, focus and brain health.

As we age, the number of neurons, synapses and memory formation decrease. This is why a drop in BDNF could explain some age-related cognitive declines.

Regular running can help turn these declines around. By encouraging the release of BDNF.

This relationship of running and release of BDNF can help increase neuron growth. The release will improve memory formation and slow cognitive decline due to old age.

BDNF also has a host of other cognitive benefits. It helps to decrease stress. Our focus and concentration is better. We are more likely to enhance creativity and problem solve.

So, running is not only the physical benefits of getting fitter and stronger. It has huge benefits for our brain. Especially as we age.

This shows how important running is to keep our body functioning at optimal levels of health.

Running can also lead to decreased cortisol levels. High cortisol levels have a negative impact on health. Lower levels of cortisol means decreased stress and improved health.


Running and other forms of exercise release Endorphins in the brain.

Endorphins are a chemical in the body that are natural pain killers and mood elevators. They are a natural response from the body when put under stress such as exercise.

This leaves you feeling that sense of high or enjoyment afterwards. Your mood is elevated by the endorphins.


."In animal studies, exercise has been found to increase levels of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in the hippocampus, suggesting that running may increase gene expression, which promotes the creation of new neurons and the strengthening of synapses.” - Dr. David Ludwig, Director of the Optimal Weight for Life program at Children's Hospital Boston

"Regular exercise can increase the expression of BDNF, a protein involved in the growth of new neurons and in the regulation of learning and memory. This mechanism is one of the reasons why working out and running are associated with improved cognitive functions, especially among older individuals.” -Massimiliano Papacci, Ph.D.


BDNF stands for Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor. It is a protein involved in the growth and survival of neurons. Neurons are the cells that make up the brain and nervous system.

BDNF helps regulate the formation of new neurons. It promotes their survival and aids in the regulation of synaptic plasticity.

Synaptic plasticity is the ability of neurons to form new connections. This is important for learning and memory.

The release of BDNF increases when we exercise. This release it an important part of the body’s response to physical activity.

When BDNF is released, it encourages nerve cell growth. This encourages the production of new cells and synapses in the hippocampus.

This is important, because the hippocampus handles the formation of memories. It also processes the information when learning.

These changes can have positive effects on our emotional wellbeing.

The positive changes in the hippocampus are associated with improved performance on memory tests. As well as the formation of new neurons and synapses on brain scans. This results in better memory, better learning and better decision-making.

All these brain benefits from your weekly runs. How cool is that?


Running keeps the brain healthy as we age. Running stimulates the brain, providing it with more nutrients and oxygen. The release of BDNF in the brain after running improves brain cell growth and repair.

BDNF can repair and protect brain cells from damage and inflammation. Resulting in better brain health.

Running increases the production of new brain cells in the hippocampus. This is an area involved in learning and memory. Mental clarity and focus is better as a result. Exercise performance improves through better focus and awareness.

Running can reduce stress and improve mood. This leads to better cognitive performance and brain health.

Endorphins leave a natural 'high' feeling. The brain releases endorphins in response to the stress of exercise. This gives us that sense of euphoria.

Is there a better feeling after a run when you've had a shower and you've eaten? That sense of feel good achievement that a run leaves us with. It's one of the best feelings.

In conclusion, if you don't run start now its good for your brain. If you do run, next time you go out for a run know that you are doing incredible things for your brain health.

Tell more people about the brain benefits and encourage people to run for the health of their brain.

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If you need any help with any of this testing or your running in general then contact me through the following ways:

Instagram: @runbetterwithash




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