Top 5 Running Tips to Improve Your Running Speed

Welcome to the Run Better with Ash podcast, where I discuss all things running, from training tips to race day strategies. I'm Ash, your host and Personal Podcasting Running coach and in today's episode, I’m going to be sharing my top 5 tips to improve your running speed.

If you're looking to take your running to the next level, then this episode is for you. Whether you're a seasoned runner or just starting out, these tips will help you run stronger, faster, and more efficiently.

From proper foot contact to strengthening your glutes, I'll be covering all the key areas to focus on when trying to increase your running speed. So, grab your headphones and let's get started on my top 5 running tips.

HELLO and welcome to the episode…

As a running coach with over a decade of experience working with clients to improve their running performance I have gained valuable knowledge and tips from my own running and from working closely with clients at all levels of ability.

I have learned that it takes dedication, consistency, and a holistic approach to training to reach our running goals.

If your goal is to increase your running speed these are going to help.

Here are my top five running tips to improve your running speed:

These helped me run faster without me even having to try harder. These are also what I coach my clients to focus on.

These are not in any particular order…

  1. Run Hills More - Hills builds strength and stamina.
    Running hills can be an effective way to improve your speed and endurance, as well as build strength in the muscles used for running. When running uphill, your body must work harder to fight gravity and maintain your speed, which improves cardiovascular endurance and lung capacity. This can then translate to improved performance on flat terrain.

    In addition, hill running can help build muscular strength and power, particularly in the legs. Running against the incline requires your legs to work harder, which can lead to increased muscle fiber recruitment and muscle hypertrophy over time. This can improve your overall running economy and increase your speed.

    Incorporating hill running into your training routine can provide a challenging and effective way to improve your overall running performance, including speed, endurance, and strength. It is important to gradually increase the intensity and volume of hill training to avoid injury and properly recover between workouts.

    You will make significant gains by spending time running hills. I personally love running hills and this is one of the ways I have seen my running times improve without me actually trying to run harder, its because of the work on the hills my body has adapted to be stronger. So run hills, I tell every client that too!

  2. Run Intervals Faster than the time you’re aiming for -
    Running intervals at a faster pace than your goal 10km pace can improve your running speed by improving your running economy and your lactate threshold.

    During interval training, you brief bouts of high-intensity running are followed by periods of recovery. This type of training helps to increase the amount of oxygen your muscles can use and improve their efficiency in using it. Running at a faster pace than your intended goal pace can help improve your body's ability to use oxygen and clear lactic acid more efficiently, which can increase your lactate threshold.

    A key benefit of interval training is that it allows you to run at higher intensities than you may be able to sustain for longer durations. This type of training helps challenge your body and forces your muscles to work harder, which can lead to improved speed over time.

    Overall, incorporating interval training into your training routine can be an effective way to improve your running speed and endurance. It is important to gradually increase the duration and intensity of intervals to avoid injury and properly recover between workouts.

    For an example, say you wanted to run under 60 minutes for a 10km run. Which is 5m 56s /km or 9m 34s /per mile pace gives you a 59m 24s 10km time.
    Try doing intervals 5m 46s /km or 9m 17s /per mile which is a 57 minute 10km time. Vary the length of the interval and if it feels ok you could increase the intensity many ways through pace, terrain, distance or time.

    That will naturally then increase your running speed.

  3. Strengthen Your Glutes to Generate More Power -

    Strengthening your glutes can improve your running speed in several ways. The glutes are one of the main muscle groups responsible for propelling your body forward when running, creating hip extension. Improving their strength can have a significant impact on your overall running performance.

    Increased glute strength can lead to more power and force production, which allows you to generate more speed with each stride. A stronger gluteus maximus can also help keep your hips stable, which can reduce the risk of injury and improve your efficiency while running.

    Strong glutes can help improve your running form and posture, which can further increase your speed. When your glutes are strong, they can work together with your hamstrings and back muscles to help maintain proper alignment and prevent compensations that can slow you down or lead to injury.

    Strengthening your glutes can be an effective way to improve your running speed and performance. Incorporating glute-specific exercises, such as squats, lunges, and glute bridges, into your training routine can help improve your overall lower-body strength and power.

    I would say that 90% of running clients that I see have some issue in the glutes. Whether it be lack of activation, not as strong as they could be to quite weak and limiting postural stability to having a clear imbalance on the dominant side.

    So, strengthen your glutes to run faster.

  4. Improve Foot Contact and Push Off -

    Improving your foot contact and push off can help increase your running speed by improving your running mechanics and efficiency. I’ve talked about form a lot on this podcast but you only have to look at the elites that have refined their form daily to create effortless speed. Practice and refine the skill and you will reap the rewards.

    When your foot strikes the ground while running, it should ideally land on the midfoot, rather than the heel. This helps to distribute the forces of impact more evenly and efficiently throughout your body, reducing the risk of injury and improving the transfer of energy into your next stride.

    When you push off the ground, you generate propulsion forward, which helps increase your speed. Improving your push off involves engaging your calf muscles, hamstrings, and glutes to apply force against the ground. Stronger muscles in these areas can provide a more powerful push off, leading to faster running speeds.

    In general, improving your foot contact and push off involves focusing on good running form and proper mechanics. This can involve strengthening the muscles in your lower body through exercises like squats and lunges, as well as incorporating drills and exercises specifically designed to improve running mechanics, such as skipping, bounding, and plyometrics. These must be done with clear coaching cues to maximise the efficiency of the drills.

    Cadence drills will also improve your foot contact. You can find out how to improve your cadence by listening to
    ‘You will get hurt doing this STOP!’ episode.

    Overall, improving your foot contact and push off can help you run more efficiently and with less effort, leading to faster running speeds and improved performance.

    IF YOU’VE GOT THIS FAR IN THE PODCAST you clearly are enjoying the tips, so please SHARE these with a friend. You will be helping your friend gain some valuable running tips and you will also be helping my podcast reach new listeners. I greatly appreciate your SHARES as they are the best way for the podcast to grow! I’ll keep posting free content for your ears!

  5. Wear Running Trainers that allow your feet to function properly -

    Wearing running trainers that allow your feet to function properly can increase your running speed in several ways. First, these types of shoes can improve your running mechanics by ensuring that your feet have space to do their thing. This can help reduce the risk of injuries and improve your overall efficiency while running.

    When your running shoes fit properly ensures that your feet are able to function properly and generate more power with each stride. Running trainers that are to small, too narrow or have an overly aggressive heel or maximal cushioning affects that natural proprioceptive, sensory pre-tense and splay functions. I’ve done a previous episode on this if you’re interested look for the SPLAY episode.

    In general you should be looking for proper running shoes that are lightweight and flexible to allow for natural foot movement and response. If you like a bit of cushioning thats fine, but more isn’t better!

    Properly fitting shoes can also help to reduce blisters, black nails, broken toes and other foot problems that can be caused by ill-fitting shoes. Paula Radcliffe ran for years with ill-fitting shoes that nearly ended her running for the rest of her life!

    So, wearing running trainers that allow your feet to function properly can help to improve your running speed by improving your mechanics, reducing injury risk, and increasing your power and efficiency while running.

Which ones did you gain insight from?
Which tips will you incorporate into your running?

Let me know on instagram or send me an email, details in the description.

Thank you for listening to today's episode of Run Better with Ash podcast. Be sure to subscribe to my podcast for more running tips and advice. SHARE this epsiode with a friend And remember, to Run Better! I shall speak to you in the next episode my fellow runners!


This WILL Change Your Running


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