5 Proven Ways to Stay Motivated During a Run

Today, I’m going to be exploring 5 Proven Ways to Stay Motivated During a Run.

Whether you're a seasoned runner or just starting out, finding the motivation to keep going can be a real challenge.

That's why I’ve put together this episode, to give you some tips and tricks to help you stay motivated and keep pushing yourself to reach your goals.


I’m Ash, your Personal Podcasting Running Coach!

For many people, running is a great way to stay in shape, relieve stress and enjoy some time outdoors. But despite its many benefits, it can be difficult to stay motivated on a run sometimes.

Whether you're dealing with physical discomfort, mental fatigue, or just a lack of interest, finding the motivation to keep going can be a real challenge.

I’m going to coach you through 5 PROVEN WAYS TO STAY MOTIVATED DURING A RUN!

Let’s get started with NUMBER ONE…

Number 1: Remind Yourself of Your Goals

One of the biggest challenges of running is staying focused on your goals. Life gets in the way and can make it hard to stay focused on the goal you want to achieve.

Whether you're training for a race or just trying to improve your performance, it's important to keep your goals in mind and remind yourself why you started running in the first place.

By visualising your goals whilst running and focusing on the progress you're making with every step forward, you can stay motivated and continue to push yourself forward.

Try to tell yourself, ‘Every step forward is step closer to my goal’ REPEAT IT

‘Every step forward is step closer to my goal’

That will change your focus and give you a mental push.

Number 2: Run with a friend for accountability.

Another effective strategy for staying motivated on a run is to run with a friend.

Having someone else to hold you accountable can be a powerful motivator, as it gives you someone to share your successes and struggles with.

You can push each other to reach your goals and enjoy the company while you're at it.

Having someone else to run with can help you stay on track and provide that extra push you need to keep going.

Try running with a friend if you’re struggling for motivation at the moment.

Number 3: Break the Run down into manageable sections

Breaking the run down into manageable sections is another strategy that can help you stay motivated.

By focusing on smaller goals along the way, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed and stay motivated as you reach each milestone.

If the run is feeling hard or you notice your mind lacking motivation and drifting into negative thought patterns use this tip.

If you’re running on the road pick out a lamppost 100 metres in front and focus on getting there, once you get there have a mental pat on the bag. Say ‘well done’ to yourself. Pick out the next marker, a lamppost, a tree, a house, a car etc.

Focus on reaching those mini goals within the whole section of the run.

If you run trails you can use trees, bushes, changes in terrain etc as your waymarkers.

This technique always help me get up hills.

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Back to number four…

Number 4: Use a Mantra

Using a mantra can also be a powerful motivator. A simple phrase or word that you repeat to yourself can help you stay focused and motivated throughout your run.

Whether it's something like "I am strong" or "just keep going," having a mantra can help you stay motivated and push through the tough times.

By creating a pattern of thought that when things start to get tough on a run your default is to switch to a mantra is much healthier than allowing the negativity of the mind to grow and overwhelm you.

I personally use a few mantras that bring me into the present moment. I use:

‘smile, I am grateful for this moment right now’
’I love running for this reason', it challenges me, it makes me stronger’

I also use an actual body scan mantra to release tension from my body and focus on my form.

‘Light in the feet, light in the body, light in the arms, light in the mind, light in the breath’

These help me focus my mind on the positive or present moment sensations of running.

Number 5: Slow Down when it feels too hard or painful.

Finally, it's important to listen to your body! I know that I say that A LOT!! IT’S BECAUSE it is so important and something we all don’t do enough.

Slow down when you need to. Be ok with slowing down and possibly even walking if you really need to.

I have seen many clients throughout my coaching career not listen to their body. They’ve continued to push on even though their body has said stop and they’ve caused themselves serious injury or seriously damaged their motivation to run anymore.

Running can be physically demanding, and pushing yourself too hard can lead to burnout and injury.

So, pay attention to your body and slow down when you need to. This will keep you mentally and physically fresh. This allows you to stay motivated and avoid setbacks.


In summary, staying motivated on a run can be a real challenge, but with the right tools and strategies, it's possible to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

By focusing on your goals.
Running with a friend.
Breaking the run down into manageable sections.
Using a mantra.
And finally listening to your body.

You can stay motivated and enjoy running more.

So get out there, put these strategies into action, and see how much progress you can make!

Thanks for listening and don’t FORGET TO SHARE THE LOVE!


You WILL get hurt if you do this, STOP!


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