3 TIPS to USE in your next Marathon for GUARANTEED SUCCESS

3 TIPS to USE in your next Marathon for GUARANTEED SUCCESS

If you're someone who's planning to run a marathon or is simply interested in the world of marathon running, then you won't want to miss what we have in store for you.

In this episode, I will be discussing 3 TIPS to USE in your next Marathon for GUARANTEED SUCCESS.

These three tips are not only going to help you become a better runner, but they will also help you achieve your personal best in your next marathon.

So, stick around to hear more about these tips and how you can apply them to your marathon training.


Welcome to this episode of the Run Better with Ash podcast, where we will be sharing three crucial tips that will help you succeed in your next marathon.

I’m Ash, your personal podcasting running coach and I’m here to help you Run Better!


A marathon is an extremely challenging endurance event that requires a high level of physical and mental strength. Running a marathon involves covering a distance of 26.2 miles, which can take several hours to complete.

For many people, running a marathon is the ultimate fitness goal, but the reality is that it is not an easy task, and many people who start training for a marathon do not end up completing the training or getting to the start line.

Training for a marathon requires a significant time commitment, as well as consistent effort and dedication. Many factors can hinder a runner's progress, such as injuries, fatigue, or even personal life circumstances.

The mental and emotional toll of training can be a significant obstacle to overcome. Many runners struggle with self-doubt, lack of motivation, and mental exhaustion throughout their training, making it challenging to stay on track. I’ve got a tip for that!

The statistics show that many people who start training for a marathon do not end up crossing the finish line. In fact, according to some estimates, up to 50% of runners who start training for a marathon may drop out before the event.

This highlights the immense challenge that running a marathon poses and the importance of consistent and effective training.

That being said, it is important to recognise that completing a marathon is an incredible achievement that requires a lot of hard work and dedication. With the right training plan, mindset, and support, anyone can successfully train for and complete a marathon.

Globally, it is estimated that around 800,000 to 1 million people complete a marathon each year.


Recruiting a running coach can significantly increase your chances of successfully completing a marathon. A professional running coach has the knowledge, skills, and experience to provide you with the guidance and support needed to help you achieve your marathon goals.

One of the primary benefits of working with a running coach is that they can provide you with a personalised training plan tailored to your specific needs and goals.

They can assess your fitness level, running experience, and any past injuries or limitations to create a plan that is safe, effective, and challenging.

A customised training plan can help you stay motivated and on track, making it easier to stick to your goals and see progress. Using Google for your training plan is like using somebody else’s toothbrush to brush your teeth. It’ll do the job but it wont feel right!

Additionally, a running coach can provide you with valuable feedback on your running form, technique, and pace. They can help you identify areas for improvement and provide you with tips and strategies to help you become a more efficient and effective runner. This can help you avoid injuries, improve your performance, and ultimately increase your chances of completing the marathon.

So if you need a running coach to help you get to the finish line get in contact with me and I will guide you all the way to the marathon finish line! Well I won’t actually be there to guide you on the day, you’ll need to do that bit but I’ll get you to the start line in the best possible shape mentally and physically.


These are probably the three most common areas I have to work on with my marathon training clients.

The other areas like strength, mobility, recovery, equipment, training plan or all very relevant but there are literally tonnes of articles you can find that will give you information about those.

These are 3 tips that I feel are often overlooked and can give you the edge from what I have learned from my coaching experience.


TIP 1: Strengthen Your Mind to create positive self-talk strategies during the marathon event.

Tip 1, which is to strengthen your mind to create positive self-talk strategies during the marathon event, is essential because running a marathon is not only a physical challenge but also a mental one.

It's common for runners to experience doubts, negative thoughts, and even pain during a marathon. This is where positive self-talk strategies can make a significant difference.

Positive self-talk involves using encouraging and motivational words to push yourself on during the marathon. When a runner is struggling during a marathon, positive self-talk can help you overcome negative thoughts and doubts, stay motivated, and push through the physical pain and fatigue.

By strengthening your mind with positive self-talk strategies before the marathon, you can prepare yourself to face any negative thoughts or doubts that may arise during the event.

It helps you develop a positive mindset and a can-do attitude, which can make a significant difference in your performance and ability to complete the marathon.

Positive self-talk can help reduce anxiety and stress during the marathon. Running a marathon can be an overwhelming experience, but using positive self-talk can help runners focus on the present moment and stay calm and centered.

Eluid Kipchoge is the definition of mental strength. He believes that no human is limited and repeats this to himself when running. He also has a smile on his face.

Smiling whilst exercising has actually been proven to reduce your perception of effort. This makes you think that you are working less.

I encourage clients to use mantras when they are running. I also encourage them to meditate and mentally prepare themselves for the training demands and the run on the day. Visualisation is a powerful tool.

So thats tip 1. Strengthen your mind with positive self-talk through mantras, practice self-talk during meditation and maybe even practice visualisation.

BEFORE I get into TIP 2 AND 3 I’ve got something to ask you. Please SHARE THE LOVE for this episode by sending it to a friend to help them out.

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TIP 2: Run the tangent line to avoid running further than you need to. This could save you up to half a mile. I’ve even had clients that have ran 0.8 of a mile longer because they didn’t know what the tangent line is.

So… What is the tangent line during a marathon?

During a marathon, the tangent line refers to the shortest path that connects two points on a curve. In the context of a marathon race, it is important for runners to follow the tangent line to avoid running further than necessary.

In a marathon, the designated course usually consists of curves and turns to accommodate the terrain and other logistical factors. These curves can cause the distance between two points on the course to be longer than the straight-line distance connecting them.

The tangent line, however, represents the straightest path between two points on a curve, ensuring the shortest distance is covered.

Following the tangent line is vital for several reasons:

  1. Distance optimization: By following the tangent line, runners can minimize the distance they need to cover during the race. Marathon courses are measured precisely to provide an accurate distance, typically 42.195 kilometers (26.2 miles). Deviating from the tangent line adds unnecessary distance and can be physically and mentally taxing, especially over the course of a long race.

  2. Energy conservation: Running additional distance due to veering away from the tangent line can lead to wasted energy. Marathon runners aim to maintain a steady pace throughout the race while conserving their energy for the latter stages. Following the tangent line helps in conserving energy by minimizing unnecessary exertion and ensuring efficient use of stamina.

  3. Time management: Every second counts in a marathon, and by adhering to the tangent line, runners can optimize their time. Running the shortest possible distance means reaching the finish line faster. This becomes particularly significant for competitive runners aiming to achieve personal records or qualifying times for other races.

  4. Mental focus: The marathon is a grueling physical and mental challenge. Staying on the tangent line provides runners with a clear visual reference point, helping you stay focused and maintain concentration. By staying on track, you reduce the mental burden of navigating unnecessary turns and deviations, allowing you to focus on their performance and strategy.

To follow the tangent line effectively, experienced marathon runners often make use of landmarks, such as cones, signs, or markings, to guide their path along the curves. They visualize the straightest line between two points and adjust their positioning accordingly. Proper course management and strategic positioning can make a significant difference in a marathon runner's overall performance.

Most major marathons like London, Boston, Berlin etc. have an actual coloured line on the floor so that the elite runners know to follow it. The line is usually blue. So look out for it on your next marathon and try to stick to it.

The final tip of this episode…

TIP 3: Have a food and hydration plan that you have tested during your training that you know works. This is the difference between you staying as fuelled as you can until the end of the marathon and completely hitting the wall and having nothing left.

Having a well-defined food and hydration plan for a marathon is crucial for maintaining energy levels, preventing dehydration, and optimising your performance.

A tested and proven plan ensures that runners have the necessary nutrients and fluids to sustain their bodies throughout the demanding race.

Let's discuss the importance of such a plan and the benefits of testing it during training.

  1. Sustaining energy levels: Marathon running is an endurance sport that places high demands on the body's energy stores. A well-designed food plan provides the necessary carbohydrates to fuel the muscles and maintain steady energy levels throughout the race.
    By testing the plan during training runs, you can determine the ideal timing and types of foods that work best for your body, helping you avoid energy crashes, GI issues and fatigue during the marathon.

  2. Preventing dehydration: Hydration is critical during a marathon to offset fluid loss through sweat and maintain proper bodily functions. Developing a hydration plan involves determining the appropriate amount and frequency of fluid intake. During training, runners can experiment with different fluids, such as water, sports drinks, or electrolyte solutions, to gauge what keeps you adequately hydrated without causing discomfort or gastrointestinal issues. By fine-tuning your hydration plan, you can minimise the risk of dehydration and its associated negative effects on performance and health.

  3. Minimising gastrointestinal distress: Proper nutrition and hydration during a marathon also involve avoiding gastrointestinal problems. Testing a food and hydration plan during training allows you to identify any foods or drinks that may cause digestive issues, such as bloating, cramps, nausea or poohing yourself.
    By understanding how your body responds to different foods and fluids whilst demanding it runs 26.2 miles, you can make necessary adjustments and select options that are well-tolerated, reducing the likelihood of discomfort or disruption during the actual marathon.

  4. Mental preparation: A tested food and hydration plan not only benefits the body but also provides mental reassurance. Knowing that the plan has been successfully executed during training builds confidence and eliminates uncertainties about how your body will respond on race day. Mental preparedness plays a significant role in marathon running, and having a tried-and-tested plan contributes to a positive mindset, enabling you to focus on your performance.

  5. Race day strategy: Implementing a proven food and hydration plan during the marathon allows you to strategise your fuelling and hydration based on the race's duration and course conditions. You can plan when and where to consume energy gels, snacks, or drinks, aligning them with aid stations or specific mile markers. Recruit friends or family to help meet you at certain points. This strategic approach ensures a consistent intake of nutrients and fluids, maintaining a steady pace and avoiding sudden energy fluctuations.

Summarising TIP 3, By experimenting with different foods, fluids, and timing during training, you can identify the optimal plan that works best for you which maximises your chances of success in the marathon.

DON’T FORGET TO SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend that is running a marathon to help give them every chance of sucess.

THANKS for listening or watching, I shall speak to you in the next episode my fellow runners!


Race Day Preparation: Strategies for a Successful & Enjoyable Race Experience


You WILL get hurt if you do this, STOP!