This is how you should be breathing when running!

trail running hull

This is one of the most fundamental parts of running that most of us get wrong or don't know how to breathe correctly. All of my clients that I see struggle with their breathing and most of us breathe inefficiently in everyday life which impacts our stress and anxiety levels as well as our running ability. If you get your breathing right then you will see huge changes in your running. This is how you should be breathing when running.

Try these simple breathing exercises to enhance your awareness of what your breath is doing. Once you bring awareness to how you are breathing whilst running you can start to bring breath control into your running. Starting with nasal breathing in your day to day life is one of the best starting points. We all should be nasal breathing without question. If you don’t breathe in and out through your nose then this is your starting point.

Listen to this episode for a few breathing techniques to improve your running.


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Listen to your body NOT your music when running to Run Better!