Run Better with Ash

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RUN PREP: The Importance of Tuning In

You’re about to go out for a run, even though you aren’t feeling motivated to do so. You feel a bit flat or stressed. Almost like the run is something you need to tick off but you could actually do without doing it. It’s in your plan to do this run so you are forcing yourself to get out.

STOP! Before you do go out on the run with that mindset. Let’s clear some space. Imagine having a mental ‘colonic irrigation’ a total clear out! URGH (I know that may not leave the best mental image sorry!)

This Run Prep is going to help you clear some headspace and tune in to your body. See it as a mindfulness meditation for runners!

That is the origins of this type of mindful checkin. I started doing these Run Prep’s before going out for a run as a way to improve my self-talk, increase gratitude and understand what is currently happening in my mind and body and how that is influencing my mindset towards running.

Theres huge amounts of evidence around mindfulness and visualisation for performance benefits. You only have to look at the work of Dr Steve Peters with his Chimp Paradox model to see how it has positively affected his athletes.

Let’s get you prepped for you run, so that you can learn to embrace your run rather than slog through it.


You may need a pen and paper for this. Do this literally just before you go out for a run to set you up for the run ahead. I will leave some short spaces between what I’m saying so that you can answer these questions in your mind or on paper, pause the podcast if needed.

Let’s PREP!

What emotion are you currently feeling? Give it a one word label (examples: frustration, anger, happiness, contentment etc)

Write or think of 3 things that are influencing the emotion you are feeling? (writing helps to get it out into physical form, it completes the emotion and gives it a better way to offload)

What action can you take based on the above two questions? (for example: If you’re stressed about a work project you could write down what needs doing and how its going to get done after your run so that you don’t take that busyness of ruminating on it out on your run with you)

What is your energy like right now? (Are you full of energy, so-so, or feeling lethargic?)

Does the run you have planned suit your stress level and your energy level? How can you adapt your run to suit these levels?

Remind yourself of the reason you are running today?

Whatever the weather, it’s a beautiful day to be alive. To be able to run. To be able to have this time for yourself right now to go out and run.

Can you allow yourself to have this time where you go out, run, moving your body in one of the most natural ways your body can move?

Can you appreciate your feet contacting the surface beneath you?

Try to find gratitude in the simplicity. The birds you hear singing in the trees as you run past them.

The dog barking in the distance. The smell of the Spring flowers starting to bloom. The noise of the tractor working in the field. The sound of your breath as you breathe oxygen in and out of your body.

Take the pressure of yourself with this run today and embrace the simplicity of the health benefits that running brings to you. Nourishing your muscles, your heart, your brain.

Embrace whatever is today. Allow yourself to feel whatever it is you are feeling. If you’re brimming with energy embrace it. If you’re lacking energy embrace it.

Try not to resist and force it. Health is much more important.

Relax and enjoy your run.

Do you feel ready to run? Have fun!

I shall speak to you in the next episode.